Ostrich egg scrambled eggs

Ostrich egg
To make scrambled eggs with an ostrich egg, you have to break an ostrich egg and this is quite a process, especially if you want to keep the egg shell whole. But where there’s a (wifely) will there’s a (husbandly) way, and so I have my whole egg to craft with!

Some quick interesting facts about ostrich eggs:
- It takes 2 hours to hard boil an ostrich egg!
- One ostrich egg is the equivalent of 20-24 chicken eggs!
- Ostriches lay their eggs in a communal pit, but each ”Mum” can tell which eggs are hers!
- The extinct elephant birds of Madagascar and the giant moa of New Zealand laid even larger eggs!

But let us get back to opening this egg so we can have breakfast!
Ostrich egg
Firstly, The Husband made a small hole with a nail and a hammer and a lot of caution. He then used a screwdriver and hammer and gently increased the size of the hole to about chopstick size. Then we turned it over and repeated the procedure on the other side, but made the hole slightly bigger.
Ostrich egg
When the hole was big enough to put a chopstick through it, we pierced the inner membrane and gave the egg a good stir. Now it gets funny. You need the two holes, top and bottom, to be able to get the egg out of the shell. You have the smaller hole on the top and the bigger at the bottom over a big bowl and then you blow very hard to get the egg to come out. Great fun was had by all doing this!
Ostrich egg
Can’t say it looked terribly appetizing when it came out, but it was deeelish. It’s definitely richer and creamier than chicken egg, and definitely a whole lot more! We ate the one egg over several days, keeping the leftover egg in the fridge. You make ostrich scrambled just the same as you make chicken scrambled egg, so feel free to use your own recipe.
Ostrich egg
1 ostrich egg
½ cup of milk or water, optional
Salt and pepper to taste
Oil and butter to fry

1. Beat the egg well with the milk if using and the salt and pepper.
2. Melt the butter and oil in a frying pan and pour in a portion of the egg (or the whole lot if you’re very hungry!).
3. I let it firm up a little bit before I start moving it around (making sure it doesn’t stick or burn of course) so that it has pieces and isn’t totally crumbly, but this is just my way of doing it.
4. Keep turning/stirring gently till done, about 5 minutes depending on the quantity of egg used, until no visible liquid remains.
5. Serve immediately and enjoy! A slice of avocado with this is just to die for!!

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