About me
My desire to try out new recipes is like my hunger – never-ending.
My cookbook collection is like my bottom – large.
Who am I?
Hi there! My name is Crystal Degenhardt. I am a South African of British parents, married to a German and live in France, so a typically muddled-up member of this planet.
I decided to write this blog to incorporate two of the things I love most: food and writing. I am 40 years old and continue to enjoy every faze of my life. My husband, Joerg, and I have traveled extensively (and will hopefully continue to do so), tasting our way around the world. Our first priority is mainly to eat the local food, drink the local grog, get at least one cookbook from wherever we are, and only then enjoy the sights.
We bought our house/small farm in the south west of France years ago, but have just this year decided to “settle down” here. Well, at least for now. And we WILL keep trying the local food, here and elsewhere.
What experience do you have?
I have helped in the kitchen since I was 4 years old and in my 20’s I managed 3 restaurants and waitressed on 3 continents. I have no formal cooking degrees, but loads of experience (mostly successful!) in kitchens all over the world. We also spent a year wine tasting in South Africa (poor me), so I have some knowledge of the wine industry too.
I love trying out new recipes and NEVER a week goes by without me trying out several new recipes. And with hundreds of cookbooks, thousands of recipes and many memorable meals enjoyed the world over, I hope to introduce you to a humorous look at cooking and life. Having spent time on most continents means I have many funny food tales to share.
What’s this “on the funny side” business?
I enjoy writing humorous pieces (well, at least I think they are funny!) about myself, the people I meet and the experiences I have in day to day life. Incorporating this with food is pretty easy as basically my life revolves around food! In this blog, I intend to introduce you to many of my friends (and other passing ships), their lives and recipes. BEWARE: If I have ever met you, your life and/or most embarrassing experiences may be broadcast across the internet!
Have you ever been published?
Not yet! I am just at the start of my writing “career” but hope to (soon) write for magazines and eventually write at least one cookbook. Watch this space!!