St. Petersburg Football Team visits (me in) Portugal
I finally realised today that I’m getting old. I know what you’re thinking, only today? Allow me to explain. I noticed that the local restaurant was preparing for a big event and I noticed lots of young men arriving at around half twelve, one o’clock. But instead of rushing over and stalking them, I decided to stay sitting in my sun lounger, read my book and let The Husband bring me coffee. Groan.
I never dreamt there’d be a time when I saw agile young males and I would choose to work on my tan. Sigh. It was bound to happen sometime. I only discovered my (great) loss when an English film team arrived in front of the camper van to film the sunset for a sunrise sequence in their documentary. No, I haven’t been drinking! They make it go backwards in the movies.
They told us that they were following (see I’m not the only one who stalks round here) the Russian St. Petersburg Football Team (did he say Zenith?) around and making a documentary about it. Apparently even Hulk was there. Hulk! Okay, so I’ve never really actually heard of him, but he’s famous and played in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. And I sat on my butt not 50m away and didn’t go for a look. Groan.
But never give up is what I say and I managed to find (no I’m not actually really stalking them…) one of them on the beach with other camera people. Oh yes, and a female person, possibly The Girlfriend. Best not dwell on it. Do you know who it is? Is he famous?? He’s certainly cute so who cares if he plays football or not.
The Russian boys spend 3 months (or was it 3 weeks?) here at the Algarves (shame, poor them) practicing (maybe it’s called training…) because in St. Petersburg it’s like -30C, so basically frozen solid. Sounds reasonable to me. And they’re easy on the eye for the rest of us down here, so keep it up, thank you very much! Oh yes, and good luck with your match against one of the Scandinavian countries coming up soon (will pay better attention to details next time…!)