The Terminator and I

The Terminator has gone downhill but therefore I am BACK!!
My parents, aunt, uncle and moi

As I have mentioned in other posts long, long ago (sorry!), my wonderful parents moved in with us last April and we thoroughly enjoyed having them with us. Unfortunately, my Dad had a brain haemorrhage in December and although he is doing very well, they have moved to England due to the language barrier. But we will see them often and I am quite happy to have an excuse to visit them over there. The English weather is, um, English weather, but we will still be happy to walk along the beach in our raincoats...! Here is a photo of Mom and Pops taken last summer with my lovely aunt and uncle, Wendles and Peter, who we are very happy to be seeing more of.

I would just like to say THANK YOU to all of you who have stayed faithful to me during this difficult time and I am happy to announce that I will no longer be neglecting me blog and have lots planned from now on.

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Happy to have you back! Peg

Happy to have you back! Peg

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