Belated Happy Halloween!
Once again a week has passed and I have not posted, but this time it is really not my fault (thank goodness). We are having trouble with our broadband AGAIN and I battle to get on-line. Although I have cried wolf far too often in this regard, it’s now really true and the wolf is biting me in the royal behind. So a belated HAPPY HALLOWEEEN and I hope you have a witch free year till the next 31st of October.
There is no recipe today – no need to be cheeky and say that I didn’t need to have internet to write one up for you – but instead I am showing great courage with the above photo of me as a witch at last years Halloween party. The photos were taken at the end of a very liquid evening, so we all look a little happy rather than gruesome. I manage to stay gruesome though…look at all those chins!! And what on earth am I doing with a butternut around my neck?!?!
I went to great trouble last year with the decorations and the themed food, but then my camera wouldn’t work so no photos of this effort. At about midnight someone remembered a camera in their car and that is how these photos came into being. I was NOT going to show the triple chins, but I have decided to show me looking awful that way other people won’t feel so bad when I show them looking awful!! Calm down everyone, there will be no awful photos posted without your written permission, cross my chin and hope to lose weight. As one can see in the photos, some of the guests didn't wear any makeup...oooh I'm in trouble now!!
Next year will be Halloween party time again at chez nous so I will post a full menu which will include mouldy bread and eyeballs in the pumpkin stew for you. Never fear when Crystal is near! After looking at that photo again, maybe you should…In the last photo you can see me in the background sans triple chin. Sorry Diabalo that you have your eyes closed, but hey, I look better than before (not much but one has to take what one can at my age!!), but am strangely enough still very attached to that pumpkin...

What Fun
It looks like a heck of a grand Halloween party. I bet a great time was had by all. The costumes all show great creativity. You throw a heck of a gig.