Black Time Holes
Where does all the time go to that disappears every day? Is there a big black time hole somewhere in the sky? One day I'm gonna find it and then use it all up just laying in the sunshine somewhere exotic. And because time always disappears, it will do so there to, but it will keep returning to the hole and I will spend the rest of my life sipping cold rose in the shade of a palm tree on some beautiful island.
Dream on blondey. I'll be in the time loss hole at the north pole in perpetual darkness losing more and more time each day. I promised one of our deevine French students, Alexandre, back in February that I would post my world famous Apple Pancake recipe, but it is currently in the Arctic hole. Soon Alexandre, soon! Heloise, another deevine student, brought us Canneles that had been homemade by her mother and they were to die for. Francoise’s chocolate cake is another memorable delight and I will post that soon as I have the recipe.
We thoroughly enjoy having these delightful students come and stay with us to learn proper English like. They leave with strange Sauf Efricen and German accents, ja wohl, but hey, we have fun. I get to watch English movies with them – “Jungle Book” is still a great movie and “Shrek” is always a laugh. “Nottinghill” needs the odd explanation – what is written on the Welsh chap's t-shirt...? Oh go on, you know you want to watch it again.
We're getting booked up for the summer now and hope to have the regulars plus some new ones to stay. Alexandre has to beat Joerg at table tennis / ping-pong and we have to have more chocolate cake. The photos are of Auch cathedral and Heloise in Auch, our departments “capital”. There are more Auch photos in an old blog, but you already knew that didn't you??
So now I'll leave you to enjoy the canneles. And I'll try and keep out of the Arctic black hole!