The Bride and I
Reading the wedding menu left me pale with anticipation and worry that I might not be able to try absolutely everything on it. And sadly I think I may have missed an item or two, though I did try my darndest not to. However, I tried (often) the nibbles which were served with the champagne and they weren’t even on the menu, so that might just make up for it. Sigh, I feel better already. (Complete wedding menu with photos as a separate blog.)
What I also found a little worrying is that the catering service actually started serving me first. Maybe they did this because they liked me… Or was it for fear of their (and those around them) lives that they might get trampled by me as I stampeded towards the food, screaming between bites, “I write a blog! I have to try everything! Now!”
They were so nice those catering people. At about 5am I know we were on first name terms, but they had given me lots of wine (naughty them) and I can’t remember their names to thank them. They probably used false names anyway just to be sure I didn’t track them down…
(This next photo proves that I even look good in black and white, and that I clearly was having a good time at 5am!)
Lest we forget the beautiful bride and groom!! I know this is a food blog, but I do love to share some of the other good moments with you. And yes, there are good moments in life that do not involve food…not many but some. Birgit and Jan are a VERY good looking couple, not to mention their absolutely gorgeous little boy, Jonathan. I tried to steal him and take him home with me, but somehow his parents were not amused by the idea. Some people never learn to share.
German weddings are great fun and people go to so much trouble – maybe all other countries do to, but unless you invite me to your wedding and prove it, this statement holds.
All guests contributed to a weekly calendar – my entry with the naked man and a perfectly placed vodka bottle was definitely the most tasteful…
then Günter, the father of the bride, made a fantastic 22 minute video of the happy couple growing up, including song elements better left unmentioned…
a guest photo album of note – we had to portray movies and had to pose as per the movie cover picture…
match boxes with photos on them were on sale to help pay for you know, stuff…
throw away cameras so that the guests could catch each other with spinach between their teeth…
helium balloons with extra gifts/tasks for the bridal pair (I inhaled a lot of helium and spoke in my normal voice…). You attach a card to the balloon and then they all get let go in one go and you hope that whoever finds it sends it back to the bridal couple. My card gives them Joerg for a week – lucky them…
BUT the best was the Heart Glasses! You put them on and look at a light source and you see hearts! It’s incredible! I photographed through the glasses and personally I think the results are fantastic! Wow! Are you getting my excitement?!
If you were expecting lovely photos, sorry, wrong site. The official photos will hopefully be sent to me, so until then you have to put up with these random shots. The wedding reception started at 5pm and ended at 5am…just as a way of explaining my lack of photography. And anyway I was eating too much food and having too much fun! Hope your next wedding is as much fun as this one was!!

What fun, I love weddings
What fun, I love weddings especially seeing how they differ from country to country. We attended one in Slovakia and that may be up there with your German weddings.