Computers, defrosters and pork dinners
“Home computers are the perfect thing for women who don’t feel that Men provide them with enough frustration.” Unknown*.
How do I get to combining computers, defrosters AND dinner you may quite rightly ask. This is actually quite new to me to, and I am thinking of patenting it, because it is such a damn clever idea. My well-worn-but-still-working computer, unlike my brand-new-one-that-wants-Euro379-to-continue-to-do-what-it-should-have-been-doing-all-along computer, overheats. It not only overheats, it gives your legs third degree burns before crashing and losing everything you’ve been working on, including my sanity.
So I had the brilliant idea of putting 2 frozen pork chops under the machine and lo and behold I have been able to write two posts, look at photos, and cook dinner all in one afternoon sitting at the computer! I may have to brown them a little in the pan, but they are defrosted and hot, which is more than that Greek restaurant we went to once that served us beef stifado still frozen in the middle. They clearly don’t have an old laptop.
I love my computer, all 3 of them. I can’t imagine life without it. Why do you say computer and not computers when there are three? Well, ‘cos I need a threesome to make one happy computer. Yes, it’s confusing and being blonde don’t make it any easier. I have a brand new, singing and dancin’ computer which I bought thinking that I would no longer need a threesome (sorry Joerg). But alas, I have failed and we’re three in a bed again, at least until one rolls over and crash…
See the new one came with Windows-mega-all-the-bells-and-whistles-software and I was swinging those bells and blowing those whistles madly. For a month. And then I read the fine print. And now there’s only clanking and mute pursed lips around.
Never mind the gaping hole in my wallet as they want a whopping E379 to get back the music but the computer cost E500, so the music would be as much as the sound system! Forget it. Threesomes are fun too you know Microsoft.
And it’s cold now so I don’t mind 500F warmth on my legs. And pork chops for supper. Ooooh yes, that’s why I’m writing! It’s time for supper and guess what the next recipe is about? Yes, it is pork (you are just soooo clever). So forget Microsoft and hello supper!
*Someone emailed me this saying but with no name to praise the clever mind behind it. So if you made it up, tell me and I’ll post your name with it.

I LOVE this story! Laughed
I LOVE this story!
Laughed Out Loudly and put it on my Facebook page.
Big hug to both (or 3,or 5?) of you.