Farewell Friends – For Now!

Joerg, Micha, Moni, Anja, Jackie and Bill
The great thing about travelling is meeting people and we have met some deevine people on our travels. The bad thing about travelling is having to say Goodbye and moving on to different horizons. HOWEVER, we know where you live and we will hunt you down!

In the photo above there is Anja and Micha, who you’ve met in other posts, and who’s company we’ve had the pleasure of enjoying on the farm. They have a blog: www.reisenundspeisen.com with beautiful photos and posts (in German). They are currently in Morocco and enjoying some great food – have an extra one for me!

Saying goodbye to Micha and Anja

Then there’s Moni, a new friend, who shared the experience of a sweet hedgehog baby visiting the two campervans (more later). Never mind the great meals at our favourite restaurant ( http://www.acookonthefunnyside.com/content/lunch-ronaldo ). She spends the winters travelling in sunny countries and the summer working at fairs – a fun life! No doubt we’ll see her again.

And last but not least, there’s Jackie and Bill, with their 2 SWEET doggies and their GORGEOUS cat, Skanka, with her Emerald green eyes. Oh yes, Jackie and Bill are lovely too! They have a blog called: www.paynedtravels.com it is such fun to read and I discovered that Caca is not what I thought it was…I shall say no more…but Hunting in Portuguese! They live on the Isle of Man, somewhere we haven’t actually visited. Yet. Read the first paragraph again.

Another sunrise!
The sunrise on the morning before we all went our separate ways. Ain’t life great?!

We also met another couple I forgot to photograph, silly me. Solvana and Shogun and their adorable dog, Nico – oh, you think there’s a pattern here do you? They are travelling in their lovely big American camper van (if I were a man I’d probably know what brand it is. Or make that model) (sound of throat clearing). But I do know that it’s gold brown and black in colour which is as much information anyone needs. And proves that I’m a girl. So there. www.solvana-shogun.com

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Lovely to read you blog. We

Lovely to read you blog. We called back to Monte Gordon after that weekend, but sadly we missed you. I am sure that we will meet again, somewhere, sometime. It is something I am looking forward to. You are lovely people. Safe travels.

Love love love!

Love love love!

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