Farm Friday 7: Wisteria Magic

Wisteria in front of the house
I won't do too many flower photos I promise, but the Wisteria is soooo beautiful at the moment I just had to share it with you. Just wish you could smell it as the scent wafts through the courtyard. The weather has been Magnificent if a tad too hot for this time of the year, but this evening it's changing and hopefully we'll get some rain. For now I'll just sweep up some of the lovely flowers that are currently wafting through the house...

Wisteria in front of the house

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Those are just so lovely! I wish I could smell them too as they just ring in spring, don't they?

Fan mail from your cousin in SA

Hi (cousin) Chrystal!

I've just been reading your blogs and I think that they are fantastic. You are really gifted! You're able to make any mouth water or hang open with your beautiful photographs and literary descriptions.

Mom sent me your mail on Uncle Ray's progress. We are praying for you all over here.

Thinking about and missing you all lots!

Love to everyone
Your cousin Matthew from South Africa

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