Farm Friday 8: Our very own Flamenco Dancer
Considering that I am back, I'm not really being successful at terminating my tasks. The list of reasons is as long as the brambles growing in my garden (never heard that one before, have ya?), but one does not wish to complain or draw attention to oneself... HELLO, I'M HERE!!!
Do you remember the angel from a couple of, cough, months ago? Well, the self same artist, Jackie Grimm, made this beautiful Flamenco Dancer for us as well. She wasn't in the right place for a long time, but we've moved her around and now we can see her dancing in the wind from our back stoep (or terrace for the non-South Africans amongst you). The ever wonderful Deirdre complained that she couldn't see her from the road, but now she can so we are all 'appy.
We 'ave French students staying with us all summer, so I am learning to speak slowly and clearly. This is particularly difficult for moi as I am known for speaking at the speed of light. This is necessary because I have soooo many really interesting things to say (hey, quieten down back there) and so that nobody else can get a chance to say anything... But I am slooooooowly improving. Hopefully my next post will happen at a faster rate than my current speech.