Hedgehog Sandwich Anyone?
This was my first up close and personal with a hedgehog and I absolutely loved it. Smeared with a little butter and some crushed fresh garlic, it was deelicious. And it comes with its own set of toothpicks to get those last little niggly bits out of your teeth... Calm down, I'm just kidding. This must be just the cutest creature I have ever seen.
My aunt and uncle and I were on an afternoon stroll to the local pub along the beachfront in what can only be described as balmy weather and that in November in England. IN England. I repeat, in England. I haven't had such warm weather even in mid-summer in England before. Fantastic it was. On our way to the highly anticipated and much loved British ales, we happened along Heddie the Hedgehog and in spite of our great thirst, Aunty Wendles and us came to the rescue.
After much oohing and aahing, we noticed that it was a bit wobbly on it's little feeties, that it had fly eggs on what appeared to be a wound, that it looked underweight and that it was also very hungry. Fortunately, we had a loaf of bread with us – what do you mean you don't take bread with you on your walks? - and were able to give it something to eat. When we touched it, it curled up taking the bread with it! Sooooooo sweeet.
Peter went to get the car and accessories for the animal rescue mission and Wendles picked up Heddie Hedgehog between 2 slices of bread – a very sensible woman she is. It was set up for the night in Hedgehog Hills Beachside Resort and then we headed down to the pub for a well deserved pint after a hard day of saving lives. Sigh.

too cute
Hey, I missed your posts, tried to comment a while back and had trouble. Glad the comment option is back as I sure miss not being able to say, "ahhhhh so cute!!!!"
That photo between the bread
That photo between the bread is hilarious! I do have a friend who has one of these as a pet but she always wears gloves.