Pigeon Poo

Pigeon pooed car
I was, and strangely enough, still am, the shortest in my family. My charming and delightful brothers and sisters told me if I put pigeon poo in m shoes, I would grow taller... Never trust your siblings is all I can say.

But this vehicle in Olhao really takes the (pigeon) pie. What does the owner think will happen? Will this small car suddenly grow into a Mercedes? Perhaps he shouldn't have listened to his siblings.

Nothing a few gallons of bleach and a coat of paint can't fix... Incidentally, the owner of the garage had his car parked well away at the end the driveway. It was a Mercedes so perhaps the pigeon poo theory has worked for him in the past. Trust me, all will be super pooper...
Pigeon pooed car

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That's a LOT of poo!

That's a LOT of poo! :)
Loving your tests posts from Olhao. How we loved our time there.
Tonight we will be home in our HUGE bed with our wood stove and our BATH! Cannot believe how the time has gone.
Biggest loves to you both. X

Really hilarious. It's a

Really hilarious. It's a bitter truth to handle your siblings talks. well i wish this Mercedes to be cleaner and more beautiful.

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