Port Elizabeth and my happy brother Michael
Finally we get to Port Elizabeth, my lovely hometown. Some foolish people say that it is a little bit boring, but these people have no idea of Port Elizabeth’s hidden treasures! Just take me and my family for example…stop laughing back there!
You really are getting to know my lovely family on this trip! I’m very lucky to have such a lovely family – just a pity we all live soooooooo far apart. My older sister, Patricia, in the Free State (you met her in the Warden post), my younger sister in New Zealand (see post … ), and my youngest brother Michael in Port Elizabeth. Sadly his twin brother, Timmy, passed away 3 years ago and we miss him stacks and stacks.
Port Elizabeth has beautiful beaches, a super beachfront promenade with craft stands and deeevine caramel coated soft serve ice cream, Happy Valley, game parks and much, much more. Never mind all the interesting people that live here too – and this time I don’t even mean me!! I’ll introduce you to a couple of them soon.
Okay, so it can be a tad breezy in Port Elizabeth sometimes…or is that most of the time, but I LOVE wind so it doesn’t bother me. Gale force winds are par for the course and blow any pollution out to sea and beyond. Actually, come to think of it, Cape Town prides itself on being The Windy City, so that means we aren’t the windiest – seldom that one is happy about not winning!
My lovely brother, Michael, and his lovely family live in PE and we were delighted to get to spend time with them. My nephew, Brendan, and niece, Cathlin, have grown soooooo much in the last 7 years…yes, I am aware that this would appear normal to some people…and it was a pleasure to be able to catch up with them. We laughed a lot and had a lot of fun together. Let’s hope it won’t be another 7 years before we get to see each other again.