Who said the sun never shines in England?

Angmering Estate
Some people seem to think that it always rains in England. Silly people. I always have good weather when I'm there, except when it rains...

My deevine aunt and uncle took The Husband and I for a lovely walk in the woods in April and it was really hot so we were forced to go for cold drinks at a pub nearby... I have no shame I know!
The Woodmans Arms
We walked in the woods at Angmering Estate on Dover Lane and can highly recommend you doing the same. Don't be naughty like us and walk down the lane that says “don't walk down this lane”, 'cos that's very naughty.
Angmering Estate
The pub is called The Woodmans Arms and is Hammerpot and I can recommend it too. What more can want? Great weather, great company and a cold beer – ain't life grand?

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it good that you are getting

it good that you are getting the sunny days and enjoying the country..... i hope i would get the same when i get there next month.

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